Home > Personal, rationality > Advice to a young person

Advice to a young person

1. Life is like a sewer.

What you get out of it
depends on what you put into it..

2. Life is also like a bank account.

What you get out of it
depends on what you put into it
and what you’ve already taken out of it.

3.  Life is like a sewer and a bank account.

Some of the things you put into it
will ferment and multiply, and pay you back
many times more than you put in.

4. Life is long.

If you learn to solve one small problem today
and one more tomorrow, and one more the day after that,
you’ll know 11,680 different things by the time you’re 50.
One of them will save your life.
One of them will save your marriage.
And you’ll still (probably) have over 30 years left
to enjoy the rest of the benefit.




Categories: Personal, rationality
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